736 days later G2G Season 2 made its come back and this time it was BIGGER, FUNNIER than the original. With G2G 2.0 we ensured that we doubled down on everything that worked the first time (including my weight). It wasn’t a regular laid back lazy Sunday, Our Whatsapp was busy going ‘Toingu Toingu’ since…

Back To School

Woke up to a beautiful, lush green, awesomatic of the arommale weather…courtesy #ChennaiRains – couldn’t ask for a better start for my Sunday! enjoying the weather and my hot cuppa, only thing missing to round off my mood was a song to compliment these lovely scenes, applied one Semantic level Search to the brain and…

Corn-fession of 2 foodies

my boring Sunday got super interesting thanks to this Pun-derful conversation with my friend Samra. From Shahrukh to Sunny Leone, Dragons to Unicorn this corn-versation went on and on. Happy reading 🙂

Ola Amigos

My ex boss once said that ‘talk/meet someone new every day…it gives you different perspectives to life’ I’ve tried doing that for sometime now and it has been awesome. It’s been about a year+ that I’ve stopped using my Car and use Ola. Ola had recently introduced Ola Share and I must say this has…

Khushboo Idli or Simran Appam?

something about kaiyenthi bhavans…the food there tastes awesome. miss having those hot podi dosas near brilliant tutorials in t.nagar and the spicy kothu parotta near residency hotel.