736 days later G2G Season 2 made its come back and this time it was BIGGER, FUNNIER than the original. With G2G 2.0 we ensured that we doubled down on everything that worked the first time (including my weight). It wasn’t a regular laid back lazy Sunday, Our Whatsapp was busy going ‘Toingu Toingu’ since…

‘Royal’ Challengers

For the past few days there has been a lot of noise around the Royal Family, how Prince Harry & Meghan have decided to move out and because of this what all consequences will be faced. I have not been following this much, basically I’m that guy who doesn’t read letters to the editor column…

Kaapiwrite ®

Haven’t written in a long time and starting this post not knowing what to write but given that I’m a bit too lost, decided to write something but what? I don’t know! What are the possible things I could write? Game of Thrones? No! Lots discussed and for someone who hasn’t seen even a single…


“If we were racist, why would we have all the entire south…Tamil, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra…why do we live with them? We have black people around us,” Tarun Vijay Dear Sir, This is not the first we have come across something like this. We go through such humiliations everyday…We have always been overlooked. Aren’t we…